7 Tips for Creating Messages for Media

January 19th, 2010 by Shari 
from David E. Henderson’s Making News in the Digital Era: “The practice of influential communications with the media comes from realistic knowledge of what makes appealing news, what is and is not a story identifying the best news outlet to reach your audiences, finding a reporter to develop a story with which you will be pleased. The goal is to reach and engage audiences.” — David...

6 Tips for CEO Bloggers

January 19th, 2010 by Shari 
from David E. Henderson’s Making News in the Digital Era: One of David’s key messages is that the Old Style of marketing is “the antithesis of communication in today’s interactive Web 2.0 world, and it is not what audiences and media need.” Blogs are an online tactic to offer a Web platform for sharing ideas. They should attract and engage visitors “hopefully converting them to...