10 Steps Toward Money-Making Content
August 16th, 2010 by Shari
From Webify Your Business by Patrick Schwerdtfeger
“Marketing in the 21st century is all about demonstrating your expertise and providing value before asking for the sale.”
What should you give away? What should you charge money for?
1. Pretend you’re a teacher.
2. Think about all the lessons you could offer.
3. Create a detailed list of all these lessons.
4. Add to the list...12 Steps to Email Marketing Success
June 10th, 2010 by Shari
From Webify Your Business by Patrick Schwerdtfeger
Email list = Audience = Influence = Revenue
Email marketing is a truly powerful tool for generating bottom line profits. Why? All you have to do is click SEND and your message can reach thousands of people in an instant — for little or no cost.
Here is your Action Plan
1. Pretend you are a teacher with expertise.
2. Pretend your prospects are...5 Steps to Engage Your Community
May 8th, 2010 by Shari
From Trust Agents by Chris Brogan and Julien Smith
How do you build community from a loosely joined group of people? You need to reach into the community and learn; here’s how:
1. Listening comes first: Pay attention to where all your publics are interacting.
2. Measure the conversations: Monitor the sentiment as well as numbers.
3. Take small steps: Begin with small memorable exchanges.
4....21 Tips for Using Twitter and Facebook for Business
May 6th, 2010 by Shari
From Engage by Brian Solis
Here is a list that will help businesses embrace the methods now available for their marketing efforts through social media platforms, especially via Twitter and Facebook.
1. Special Offers
2. Logging Orders
3. Word of Mouth Marketing
4. Conversation Marketing
5. Customer Service
6. Focus Grouups
7. Direct Sales
8. Business Development
9. Curation
10. Information Networks
11.Dedicated...7 Considerations that Lead to a Website Conversation
May 5th, 2010 by Shari
From Webify Your Business by Patrick Schwerdtfeger
Websites are admittedly designed to invite visitors, but traffic is not enough. For an internet site to help build business, there must be some kind of interaction between the company and the visitor — i.e., a website conversation.
Here’s a step-by-step action guide:
1. Understand that your website is your Sales Department.
2. Decide...8-Step Action Guide to Gain Sales From Your Website
April 25th, 2010 by Shari
From Webify Your Business by Patrick Schwerdtfeger
Internet Marketing Secrets for the Self-Employed: Unfortunately the vast majority of websites do not do a good job converting visitors into paying customers. The key is to plan strategically BEFORE designing your website.
8-step Action Plan
1. Understand that your website is your Sales Department.
2. Generating website traffic is Marketing.
3. Think...11 Do’s and 7 Don’ts For Marketing on Facebook
April 8th, 2010 by Shari
from The zen of social media marketing by Shama Hyder Kabani
Every brand should know about Facebook marketing. Your goal on this social media platform should be to attract people to your website, build trust, and gain visibility — all things that inevitably lead to sales.
Here’s what you SHOULD DO
1. Spend time creating an outstanding profile.
2. Let your personality shine through.
3....13 New Rules for Marketing and PR
March 30th, 2010 by Shari
From The New Rules of Marketing & PR by David Meerman Scott
Too many companies are depending on “business as usual” in that they are playing by the old rules like (a) communicating with journalists through press releases; (b) using jargon; and (c) PR & marketing run by separate departments. To harness the power of the Web, though, organizations must ignore those past traditions...